Le Gymnase - National Centre of Choreographic Development - Roubaix | Hauts-de-France

Toujours de 3/4 face !

Loraine Dambermont (Belgium)

As part of the Belles Sorties programme organised by the Lille European Metropole

  • 8+
  • 20 mins + a meeting
  • Created in 2021

Toujours de 3/4 face !

As part of the Belles Sorties programme organised by the Lille European Metropole


According to former Belgian karateka Johnny Cadillac, the ¾ face is THE defense position par excellence! Loraine Dambermont appropriates this principle and delivers her personal survival guide to the expectation of chaos, revealing the most infallible secrets of self-defense. Toujours de ¾ face! is a self-deprecating one-woman show that challenges the performer’s physical and mental virtuosity, pushing the limits of a body forced between the endurance of a marathon of movements and the extreme precision of its own musicality.

Cast and creatives

Choreography, performance, music: Loraine Dambermont
Mixing assistance: Victor Petit
Lighting: Rémy Urbain
Stage management: Gaspar Schelck
Stage management (alternately): Chamsedine Madec, Gaspard Schelck, Adèle Evans, Luca Baccini
Outside viewers: Monica Gomez

Production credits

Production: Lodbmt
Production / Tours: BLOOM Project
Partner: Le Théâtre de la Balsamine
With the support of: Iles/Suitcase Bruxelles, Le Théâtre Marni, Bruxelles (Be), Garage29, Bruxelles (Be), Studio 28 – Roubaix (Fr), L’Armande – Liège (Be), Le Centre Culturel Bruegel – Perpetuum MOBILE Festival, Bruxelles (Be), La Roseraie, Bruxelles (Be), Theater aan de Rijn – Dance Flavours, Arnhem (Nl) and Wallonie-Bruxelles International
Special thanks to: Johnny Cadillac for inspiration