Le Gymnase - National Centre of Choreographic Development - Roubaix | Hauts-de-France

TATIANA (le feuilleton en 3 épisodes)

Julien Andujar (Nantes)

In partnership with La Piscine et le Couvent de Roubaix

  • 1h à 1h15 (depending on episodes)

TATIANA (le feuilleton en 3 épisodes)

In partnership with La Piscine et le Couvent de Roubaix

TATIANA is about a brother’s need to put himself on stage to talk about his sister, who disappeared without a trace on 24 September 1995. Playing with multiple identities, Julien Andujar flirts – amusingly – with absence and love in a performance that is both serious and whimsical. In 3 episodes for 3 venues in Roubaix, the artist combines autobiographical fiction, documentary storytelling and a cabaret act. It’s a polyphonic composition you won’t want to leave unscathed.

Previously with Le Gymnase : Tatiana – stage format (Le Grand Bain 2023), ALMODOBAL (Le Grand Bain 2024)

Friday 14 March: Discover the open rehearsal of ÉPILOGUE at Ballet du Nord

Cast and creatives

Tour team
Design, text, performance: Julien Andujar
Music, sound: Alex Andujar
Production, dissemination : Cécile Vernadat

Creative team
Audrey Bodiguel, Yuval Rozman, Rachel Garcia, Juliette Gutin, Mélanie Moussay, Charles Éric Besnier, Zoé Barrot, Alexandre Fontaine et Cyril Limousin dit Cyrilou

Production credits

Production: VLAM Productions.
Coproduction: Le Manège – Scène nationale de Reims, Charleroi – danse – Centre chorégraphique de la Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles, KLAP – Maison pour la danse de Marseille, CCN de Nantes – Musique et Danse en Loire-Atlantique, le Nouveau Studio Théâtre – Nantes, Bain Public – Saint-Nazaire.
Support from: Ville de Nantes, Conseil départemental de Loire-Atlantique, Région Pays de la Loire, Plan national France Relance, Ministère de la Culture DRAC Pays de la Loire as part of its support for creation, L’Arsénic and the communauté de communes Cazals-Salviac – Lot, Danse Dense – Pantin, Théâtre de Vanves, La Place de la danse – CDCN de Toulouse Occitanie, Libre Usine / Le Lieu unique – Nantes.
Distribution support: the City of Paris
Production and distribution manager: Cécile Vernadat