Coproduction Le Gymnase CDCN
Coproduction Le Gymnase CDCN
In partnership with l’Oiseau Mouche
Based on initial research material – dance, text and photography – Julie Botet has approached her next solo as an ‘autobiographical freak show’. While Lymph Blood Story 9424 is concerned with what is not said in the world of medicine and childhood, the choreographer’s ambition for this future piece is to ignite anger with joy.
Continue the evening with Leather Better at the Théâtre de l’Oiseau-Mouche and Hurlula at the Gymnase
Concept, choreography: Julie Botet
Outside view, dramaturgy: Pascaline Verrier
Writing : Elsa Eskenazi, Pauline Fontaine et Julie Botet
Choreographic collaboration: Max Gomard, Zoé Lakhnati, Mélissa Guex
Acting accompaniment: Joaquim Fossi
Photography, video : David Le Borgne
Set design, costumes: Cassandra Cristin
Sound: Nicolas Tarridec
Make up: Morgane Viennet
Production, distribution: Mathilde Blottière .
Delegated production : L’iliaque – Bassin de création. Coproduction: Le Vivat, Scène Conventionnée d’Intérêt National Art et Creation, Culture Commune, Scène Nationale du Bassin Minier du Pas-de-Calais, Le
Gymnase CDCN Roubaix Hauts-de-France, Ateliers de Paris CDCN, Maison du Théâtre
Support: Lieux Culturels Pluridisciplinaires de Lille, La Briqueterie CDCN