Le Gymnase - National Centre of Choreographic Development - Roubaix | Hauts-de-France

public presentation / Le Grand Bain 25

with the Gymnase staff

The programme includes a presentation of the festival, a dance performance and a cocktail reception.

  • For all audiences

public presentation / Le Grand Bain 25

With just a month to go to the opening night of the Le Grand Bain festival, find out all about the events making up this 12th edition at this convivial evening with the Gymnase team.

On the programme: presentation, dance performance and cocktail reception.

editorial by Laurent Meheust – director / originally published in the festival brochure

Inviting a show and setting up a framework for possible encounters with audiences defines a base of artistic, ethical, economic and political responsibilities. That’s the concept. In reality, the complexity of each context arises every day, making it impossible to unveil a breast here, a symbol there that has – for too long – belonged to racist caricatures, or a monster over there. Yet the programming that makes up the following pages is based on the freedom of dissemination, in defence and promotion of the creative freedom of the artists that our cultural organisations support.

My daily aspiration, the one that I share with all the Gymnase teams and that we discuss with the artists and their teams, is to act for the living, on the living, with the living. What could be more moving? More changeable? And how can we not embrace it, to project it elsewhere, differently?

The important thing is to get you moving, to come and see a show you may not know anything about. It’s about taking a risk and experiencing something that might question you, displease you, upset you, make you feel neither hot nor cold… so many possibilities, like a day that’s just around the corner and that you haven’t experienced yet. So many variations in the hope of a vibration.

So here’s Grand Bain’s trigger warning: this festival invites works that represent the living. And that’s troubling. It certainly is.