Le Gymnase - National Centre of Choreographic Development - Roubaix | Hauts-de-France


Sons of wind (Île-de-France)

In coprogrammation with la Ville d'Haubourdin
With the support of Petites Scènes Ouvertes

  • 45 min
4.50 to 13€
Free shuttle bus departs Lille at 7.15pm


In coprogrammation with la Ville d’Haubourdin
With the support of Petites Scènes Ouvertes

Sons of Wind is a crew of multidisciplinary artists. A band of friends, all rallying around the same culture, that of freestyle hip-hop. In conversation with the tempo of live music, nine dancers bounce and bounce around the stage. From this succession of ‘Bounce’ springs an instant and masterfully executed collective dance.

Cast and creatives

Choregraphy : Yann Lumi Joseph-Auguste
Writing, interpretation : Joakim Twizzy Chardonnens, Dereck Prudent, Nathan Nathy Kinsiona, Anaël Lypso Régent, Kristina Krissy Kunn, Mickaël Kara Saint-Felix, Amiel Mampouya, Junior Steve Phaonce Cadet, Kassy Bondoko
Lights : Xavier Lescat
Sound : Lucie Béguin
Artistic direction : Amina Kilcher, Yann Lumi Joseph-Auguste

Production credits

Production : Garde Robe
Coproductions and supports : collectif FAIR-E / CNN de Rennes et de Bretagne, Théâtre Louis Aragon – Trembley-en-France, Initiatives d’Artistes en Danses Urbaines (Fondation de France – La Villette 2023) – Caisse des dépôts.
Avec le soutien de l’Auditorium, La Place – Paris et de la DRAC Bretagne au titre de l’aide au projet.