To create mediation projects with audiences, we can rely on resources and educational tools.
ACDCN Network created tools hand-in-hand for artistic and cultural education which support our mediation team.
These 8 tools are various by their form and medium :
· Two educational videos about dance history based on excerpts of movies and plays taken from the repertoire : La danse en 10 dates (1896-1992), Une histoire de la danse contemporaine en 10 titres (1978- 2006)
· A danced lecture : Tour du monde des danses urbaines en 10 villes
· Two interactive platforms about dance history and constitutive parts of dance : Danses sans visa, Data-Danse
· An audio guided experience to dance : Application à Danser
· A cardgame to grasp danse and its environment : Danse tout terrain, comment les lieux nous font danser ?
· A professional training for teachers : Le parcours chorégraphique en dix principes
At the same time, Le Gymnase can use other pedagogical tools for helping audiences to discover dance, as spectator’s booklets Que le spectacle commence ! and Dance, exhibition La danse contemporaine en dix questions, game card Corpus created by the compagnie La Ruse…